.. _customization: ############# Customization ############# There are two possible ways to adapt the settings of your upribox by writing to *custom facts*: use the Web Interface or edit the *custom facts* manually. Configuration options that are important for all users are available in the Web Interface, special configuration options for tech-savvy users can be set manually using SSH. .. note:: The upribox Software update mechanisms ensures that the system remains in a consistent state. Manual changes to configuration files are therefore overwritten by the periodic software update process of the upribox. **The only way the persist your changes is by writing to the correspondent custom fact.** The custom configuration options of the upribox Software are stored in **/etc/ansible/fact.d/**. Example for these configuration facts can be found here: :download:`local_facts.tar.gz `. ************************* Advanced Network Settings ************************* static network configuration ============================ Connect to your upribox via SSH and create an **interfaces.fact** file in the */etc/ansible/facts.d* directory. The following interfaces configuration, will set the upribox to use a static IP configuration: :: { "general": { "mode": "static" }, "static": { "ip": "", "netmask": "", "gateway": "", "dns": "" } } Make sure to adapt the *ip*,\ *netmask*,\ *gateway*, and *dns* values to reflect your setup. Once you created the *interfaces.fact* file, run :: sudo upri-config.py restart_network sudo reboot to configure the network device and to restart the upribox with the static IP setup. (see :ref:`upri-config`) ********************** custom VPN server port ********************** Connect to your upribox via SSH and use the following commands to set a custom *port* and *protocol* for the upribox OpenVPN server: :: sudo upri-config.py set_vpn_connection 1194/UDP sudo upri-config.py restart_vpn sudo upri_conifg.py restart_firewall Make sure to use a correct port - protocol combination: valid ports are between *1025* and *65535* (**unprivileged ports**), and protocol can be either **UDP** or **TCP**. If you want to access your upribox's VPN server over **443/TCP** (standard HTTPS port) you need to set a custom port-forwarding rule in your router: set your VPN server to an unprivileged TCP port e.g. 4300/TCP and then forward port 443/TCP to port 4300/TCP of your upribox. (see :ref:`upri-config`) ******************* custom wifi channel ******************* Connect to your upribox via SSH and use the following commands to set a custom *channel* for the upribox WiFi: :: sudo upri-config.py set_wifi_channel 3 sudo upri-config.py restart_wlan Valid WiFi channels are numbers between 1 and 10. (see :ref:`upri-config`) **************** de/activate WiFi **************** If you have ssh enabled you can connect to your upribox and deactivate the upribox WiFi: :: sudo upri-config.py enable_silent no sudo upri-config.py restart_silent To activate it again replace "no" with "yes". (see :ref:`upri-config`)